Stop Apologising for Yourself


‘Stop apologising for yourself’

I can’t.

I’m sorry.


I’m sorry about that thing in between my legs,

because sometimes you do crazy stuff,

and it’s because of that,

that thing between my legs.


‘Stop apologising for yourself’

I can’t.

I’m sorry.


I’m sorry that sometimes you can’t control the urges

that run through your body like red ants.

I’m sorry that I made you force yourself upon me,

It was wrong of me and I shouldn’t have put you in that position,

and I’m sorry.


‘Stop apologising for yourself’

I can’t.

I’m sorry.


I’m sorry for that thing that happens,

And I’m sorry for talking about it,

It’s just that it happens such a lot, but

You’re right, it’s disgusting and I’m sorry.


‘Stop apologising for yourself’

I can’t.

I’m sorry.


And I’m sorry about that silly little pay thing.

I shouldn’t have expected the same as you, I got carried away,

I just thought that seeing as I worked all those extra hours

but you’re right and I’m sorry.


‘Stop apologising for yourself’

I can’t.

I’m sorry.


You’re right, I guess one day,

I might open my legs wide like a chicken

and push out life, bring a person into existence

but I agree that’s an inconvenience and I’m sorry.


‘Stop apologising for yourself’

I can’t.

I’m sorry.



And I’m sorry,

but if it’s a girl,

I hope she will be noisy.

I hope her lungs will rattle,

I hope she will scream, cry and hiss

and never, ever be sorry.